
Ebook Advanced microeconomics pdf

Learning materials for Ph.D. students

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Wydawnictwo Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Poznaniu
Data wydania 2021
Zabezpieczenie Znak wodny
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Opis produktu:

The content of the learning materials is strongly related to the neoclassical synthesis trend, referring to the research results of the following Nobel laureates in economics: Paul Samuelson (1970), John Hicks, Keyneth Arrow (1972), Gerad Debreu (1983) and others. The authors decided that it is worth providing doctoral students of the Doctoral School at the Poznan University of Economics and Business with knowledge related essentially to competitive and general equilibrium in the sense of Leon Walras.

The study contains elements of the theory of demand, market structures, competitive and general equilibrium in the Walrass sense. In Chapter 1 the authors focus our attention on Marshallian static and dynamic demand functions. Chapter 2 deals with the simple model of exchange, as well as the static and dynamic Arrow-Hurwicz models (discrete- and continuous-time). In Chapter 3 the authors discuss the static and dynamic models of the monopoly with an exogenous product demand function, which is the basis of quantity and price competition models in the static and dynamic Cournot, Stackelberg and Bertrand duopoly and oligopoly models presented in Chapter 4. The study culminates in Chapter 5 in which the authors synthesize the general equilibrium theory of Leon Walras on the basis of static and dynamic models with exogenously defined demand and supply functions and static and dynamic Arrow-Debreu-McKenzie models with endogenous defined functions of demand and supply for goods and services (in a discrete- and continuous-version).

Produkt wprowadzony do obrotu na terenie UE przed 13.12.2024

Dział: Ebooki pdf, epub, mobi, mp3
Kategoria: ekonomia i biznes,  literatura obcojęzyczna,  język angielski,  materiały edukacyjne,  szkoły wyższe
Wydawnictwo: Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Poznaniu
Wydawnictwo - adres:
slawomir.stawny@ue.poznan.pl , http://www.ue.poznan.pl , PL
Rok publikacji: 2021
Liczba stron: 179
Język: angielski
Zabezpieczenia i kompatybilność produktu (szczegóły w dziale POMOC): *Produkt jest zabezpieczony przed nielegalnym kopiowaniem (Znak wodny)

Krzysztof Malaga, Karolina Sobczak - przeczytaj też

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